Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Mexico City, MX, Mexico
Address Insurgentes Sur 1677-202
Phones 52-55-56626005
Fax 52-55-56627130
Web site vitaespacios.com
About Vita Espacios is a company dedicated to transforming and adapting ISO Containers - ISBU - into livable spaces at a very low cost.
Our solutions include:
Homes, Schools and Classrooms, Doctor's Offices and Clinics, Shelters and Refuges, Small Businesses, Intelligence and Police Centers, Army and Communication Centers, Attention Centers, Dressing Rooms and Restrooms, Eating Areas, Offices, Etc
Vita Espacios offers quality livable solutions from ISO Containers. (20 and 40 feet).
The Containers are transformed into livable spaces utilizing all materials necessary to live comfortably. We use prefabricated solutions to minimize the assembly process, which guarantees a low cost product.
Vita Espacios has multiple predesigned models for the most common uses. However each project may specify different solutions, and for that our architect design team, will present you with the most appropriate solution.
Lastly, Vita Espacios hold multiple patents.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10