Business category 1 Waste Management
City ( of main office ) Seoul, KR, South Korea
Address 22-6 Gilsang-ri Boeun-eup
Phones 82-43-2835537
Fax 82-43-2835538
Web site www.bioez.co.kr
About Waste to Water Environmental, LLC. is proud to introduce the "BIO-EZ" (Pat. Pend. # 11/725.811). The machinery, along with our AMERICAN MADE "BIO-HELPER" is the first self contained food waste elimination system designed to fit seamlessly in any commercial kitchen or supermarket application. Our customers enjoy cost saving benefits, through our innovative leasing program, as well as improved work flow and a cleaner work area with no need to store rotting food waste for traditional pick-up. The rising costs of diesel fuel and hauling make the use of our product even more attractive.

Our Patent Pending device, the BIO-EZ (PAT. PEND. # 11/725,811) rapidly decomposes all food waste into a nutrient rich liquid suitable for discharge into public sewers system. Also, initial studies show our discharge may enhance existing irrigation techniques.

WTW's mission is to convey the cost saving and sanitary benefits of the BIO-EZ to our customers while revolutionizing the sanitation industry by removing, from the waste stream, the heaviest and most ecologically harmful element - decomposing food waste.

This reduction in tonnage will result in a reduction in truck traffic, fuel consumption, and ground water contamination and up to a 30% reduction of solid waste deposited in this country's overburdened landfills.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 11:10