Business category 1 Mobile Phones
City ( of main office ) Canberra, AU, Australia
Address 152 adelaide street
Phones 61-02-80909360
Fax 61-02-80881074
Web site www.richtelecom.com.au
About G. A. Better Developments p / l is an Australian based company that provides products and services for the Australian and the Mideast markets, Rich telecom Australia is one of our telco arms that provides mobile. data ad telephone services for the Australian market, we at (G. A. B. D) Always look forward to be the first when it comes to providing the latest technology for our clients as a bundled especially in the fast moving mobile and data techs
( G. A. B. D) also have numerous business activities in the import and the export markets lately we have been involved in the renewable energy market to provide but not limited solar power systems as well as other power saving and generating products.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10