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Business category 1 Preservatives
City ( of main office ) Tomaszów Mazowiecki, PL, Poland
Address Ul. Zawadza 78/94
Phones 48-44-7234836
Fax 48-44-7234836
About Malux Botanicals was founded in 1995. The founders and owners are jolanta and bogdan balcerzak. The company specialize in providing dried herbs, dried fruit and frozen fruit. We are proud of our family business and make every effort to achieve and maintain the highest quality possible.

Owing to our own unique root cleaning technology, our herbs roots raw material does not exceed the 0.5% amount of mineral impurities.

We cooperate with experienced and reliable growers and herbalists.
All our fruit and wildcrafted herbs come from ecologically cleaned regions and then are cleaned and standardized in our company.
We need to mention that they are all free from preservatives and
Chemicals of any kind.

At the very beginning we were a supplier only for polish companies.
However, due to our reliability and high quality of our products we soon established long-term contacts with customers in many european countries, the USA, and recently in india.

Here is our export offer:
-- raw material(dried)
*achillea millefolium [yarrow flower]
*acorus calamus [sweet flag-rhizome]
*althaea offic. [marsh mallow root]
*aporia ceataegus [blackveined white fruit]
*aporia ceataegus [blackveined white flower]
*archangelica offic. [angelica root]
*articum lappa [burdock root]
*batula [birch leaf]
*calendula [marigold flowers]
*calluna vulgaris [heatherflower]
*carum carvi [caraway]
*centaurea cyanus [bottleflowers(blue laeves)]
*equisetum arven [horsetail herbs]
*glycyrrhiza glabra [liquorice root]
*filipendula ulmaria [filipendula]
*hypericium perfortu [st-john's-wort]
*juniperus [juniperus fruit]
*lamium [dead-nettle flowers]
*levisticum officinale [lovage root]
*lichen islandicus [lichen icelandic]
*mentha piperata [peppermint]
*matricaria camomila [camomile]
*melisa officinalis [melisa herb]
*plantago lancelota [plantain leaf]
*polygarum aviculare [knot-grass]
*sabus averparia [mountain-ash]
*sambucus nigra [elder berry flower/fruit]
*salvia offic. [salvia]
*sorbus aucuparia [rowan-berry]
*soldago virgauea [golden rod]
*rhamus frangulla [alder buckthorn bark]
*rubus careslus [blackberry fruit]
*rubus idaeus [raspberry fruit/leaf]
*taraxacum offic [puff ball root]
*thymus vulgaris [thyme]
*tussilago farfara [coltsfoot leaf]
*urtica dioica [nettle herb/leaf/roots]
*vaccinium [bilberry(blueberry) fruit]
*valeriana officinalis [valerian root]

If you would be interested in some other herbs and fruit, our offer can be expanded upon your enquiry.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10