Business category 1 Optical Instruments
City ( of main office ) Medan, ID, Indonesia
Address jl. pemuda 1 no 19
Phones 62-61-77552211
Fax 62
About PT, MEDAN TELESCOPE PRATAMA have located in Jl. MALIBU no698a Location MEDAN
Indonesia. PT, MEDAN TELESCOPE PRATAMA go to Asian regional market place
since 1998 and go to International market place since 2007. PT, MEDAN TELESCOPE PRATAMA
want to introduce to worldwide that we have the best and the genuine
and Authentic (not copied) products from our store and we want to sell them
to you all with the competitive price with best quality and have a nice
order with us.
PT, MEDAN TELESCOPE PRATAMA is a leading in national and international supplier of
TELESCOPE product with a focus on mid-sized to big businesses as well as
consumers nation-wide and international-wide.
Our Vision
* Customers choose us for the value we create for them.
* We attract investors for the value we create.
* Our employees are proud to work with us.
* We strive for excellence in the market place and in the community.
* We seek to attract and motivate the most competent professionals.
* We create value for our share holders.
Our Values
* Commitment to environmental protection.
* A sense of social responsibility.
* Ambition to improve, innovate and take the lead.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 00:10