Business category 1 Consulting
City ( of main office ) Wilmington, US, United States
Address 3501, Silverside Rd, Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Phones 1-602-690 3496
Fax 1-602-690 3496
About The Ranken Group Seychelles take all our business relations very seriously. We uphold a commodity requests. However, we do follow very strict worldwide international trade standards and purchasing procedures accepted by UCP500.

The investment groups we are associated with are committed to working diligently to give the best service by confirming price and delivery by purchasing from manufactures and verification of shipping schedules and insurance rates.

This is essential upon considering the rate of each quote because as you know, prices change on a daily basis due to current market conditions. We feel our pricing is very competitive.

We honestly hope that you can provide to our group genuine buyers. Our policies and procedures do not entail the issuance of samples, specifications proof of product or a firm quoted price without first receiving your target price on a signed and stamped LOI on the actual buyers letterhead complete with banking information dated with in the past 5 days. Your buyer must also present a signed and stamped BCL on his banks letterhead that is also dated with in the past 5 days. Please also include an Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order from your real buyer. Any real buyer will have no problem providing these documents.

Include the Prime World Bank responsible for the issuance and or confirmation of the LC and BCL. These documents must be provided in order to issue an FCO or Draft Contract.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10