Business category 1 Organic Rice
City ( of main office ) New Delhi, IN, India
Address E-6 Karam Pura, Shivaji Marg
Phones 91-99-417001
Fax 91-11-25414189
Web site www.shidaoverseas.com
About Professionally managed Indian based brokering and intermediatry company offers sourcing and commercial services, trade finance, import finance, and general business co-operation for seting office in India and the trade of food grain like rice, wheat, sugar, organic rice, organic wheat, etc. . And paper stationery with companies seeking to do trade in these regions (import or export) . We can provide commercial services to establish a company and other related services and having reliable suppliers and break through communication and trade barriers to locate your products with the assurance that you have some control over your business. We can provide company reports, secure samples, negotiate prices and organise shipping and logistics. Wide range of contacts, professional and ethical service.
Quantity: Prefer FCL but negotiable
Packaging: Export worthy
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10