Business category 1 Processing Services
City ( of main office ) Redcliff, ZW, Zimbabwe
Address 97 Townsend Crescent
Phones 263-055-69707
About Spasm technologies p / l is a wholly Zimbabwean owned company operating from Redcliff.

The company was formed in 2003, as a service provider to the oil industry.

At present we boast of customers such as Total Zimbabwe, Prowalco Zimbabwe (for Caltex) , Zimasco, Maranatha Ferrochrome, ZUPCO Transport Zimbabwe just to mention but a few.

Our core business is to service all fuel handling equipment and these include fuel dispensers (both suction and submersible) , fuel tanks installations, fuel pumps calibrations, bulk delivery meters for trucks and delivery depots, supply and manufacture of calibrated dip sticks for tanks and tankers, service stations pumps and pipeworks instalations and repairs. We also supply pumps mainly sourced from other dealers.

Our Electrical department is involved bacically with the electric related to the fuel industry. These would include powering of service stations, canopy lights, and any other electrical engineering works. This department also carries out renovations, construction of all fuel equipment related buildings including painting, plumbing etc.

Our aim is to expand and be able to assemble most models of pumps, manufacturing the frames locally and importing the necessary gadgets. We are also planning to operate as an agent for one or more petrol pump brands provided we get a renowned supplier to do business with.

To us the sky is the limit and in 5 years' time we wish to be able to achieve our goals by completing the construction of an assembling plant in Redcliff.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10